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Retail Products > Moneta Market Kiosk
Moneta Market Kiosk

Price: $4,500.00
Availability: in stock

Moneta Market Kiosk with MEI package, card reader, touch ID, barcode reader with optional face ID camera upgrade.  Cash in Cash out. 

- For a quick overview read below

Moneta Market features-

Monthly fees :

If your kiosk sales are under $3000 per month your software fee is $50 flat rate

If your kiosk sales are $3000-$5000 per month your software fee is $75 flat rate

If your kiosk sales are over $5000 per month your software fee is $100 flat rate.  This is the maximum you will pay. 

Credit card is 5.1% of sales. 

Most people are paying 11-13% of gross sales in merchant and software fees

If you are getting 5000 per month at a sale of a kiosk $100 is 2 percent – your fees are 5.1 + 2 or 7.1 percent of your gross sales vs 11-13 percent.  Meaning if you save 4% of gross sales at $5000 per month is 60000 per year.  4% savings on gross is $2400 a year on that kiosk.   Just for doing the same thing with the same software. 


Other benefits include

-          Coin in and out payout

-          MDB units which most people have

-          Any way to log in face id, thumb print, any barcode, password and pin, phone QR code

-          Set levels of people with discounts

-          Give coupons and promos or user rewards for signing up on an account

-          Customer has the option the create and account and keep money on it digitally

-          Customer has the option to reject their change if they do not make an account which goes into an open fund for the operator

-          Current prices on the kiosk are cheap – at $4500


Converting and existing kiosk can cost as little as $400

Conversion is easy using excel and can be done by Moneta


Customer needs internet access – they can buy a dedicated internet using WTI wireless – maybe $25 per month


Software has a back end VMS

Software is supported on reliable Amazon server

Visit their website : https://www.monetamarket.com/index/

For pricing questions on large quantity orders and inquiries please contact Wachtor Electronics at 801-485-2289 or email saltlakecity@wachtor.com